HomeHealthIs It Possible for Invisalign to Correct Overbite?

Is It Possible for Invisalign to Correct Overbite?

After getting the approval from FDA, Invisalign becomes the popular alternative for traditional braces. You need to keep this custom clear plastic tray into the mouth for most of the time.

Although with so many options of clear aligner in the market, Invisalign becomes the head turner. It carries out minor adjustments to the teeth with time for improving the spacing and alignment.

Invisalign has been mostly use to correct overbites. It refers to the condition of extension of upper teeth too far from lower teeth. Although people want to correct it because of cosmetic reasons yet it causes a number of problems like tongue, gums and teeth irritation.

According to stats, Invisalign effectively corrects moderate to mild overbites. But the time required for fixing the overbite differs from a person to another. However, for severe overbite, you need to go with traditional braces.

In this blog, we will see the functional ability of Invisalign in contrast to conventional braces allowing you to make the right choice for the smile.

How Invisalign corrects an overbite?

Lack of heavy hardware and transparency are the key appeals of Invisalign. Although not fully invisible, it is less prominent in the mouth over traditional braces and more comfortable.

Being custom-made, Invisalign involves removable plastic trays which you should put for 20-22 hours regularly. However, swapping to new tray in the sequence is most important which you need to do weekly or biweekly.

Sometimes, you need to go to orthodontist for adjustment. They will make subtle adjustment to increase the pressure amount to place on the teeth. With progressing of treatment the pressure will increase too so that the teeth come into proper alignment enabling the bite correction with time.

How long it takes to correct the overbite?

Alike traditional braces, the time need for the Invisalign to work depends on the severity of overbite, amount of correction requires and the dental condition of the patient.

  • Here is the breakdown of timeline to correct the overbite by Invisalign:
  • Patients have to put on the Invisalign aligner for about 6-24 months
  • In case you keep the aligner out for about 2 hours every day, then it will linger the expected time period to correct the overbite. You should take out the aligner just for having meals and brushing
  • Once you finish the Invisalign treatment, it is time for you to put on the retainer for ensuring the correct and new alignment of the teeth in the long run.

Retainer provides the jawbone adequate time for regaining the bone tissue so that it can anchor to the new place fully. However, if you don’t comply with the retainer then it will shift back to the pre-treated position again. Only, the orthodontist can determine the time you should need to put on the retainer along with the time you need to keep it into the mouth every day.

Is it possible to use rubber band as attachments?

Rubber bands support orthodontic treatment by exerting some additional amount of pressure on the teeth so that it shifts to desirable position. In orthodontics, these rubber bands are called elastics.

These are not only for traditional braces but also for Invisalign when used to correct an overbite. Sometimes, orthodontics mistake the putting on elastics along Invisalign will improve or quicken the treatment.

The orthodontist makes use of natural coloured bonding on some teeth as latch or button. Each elastic band will be attached to the button on bottom tooth and top tooth. For correcting overbites, usually buttons give the position on lower molars and upper canines.

Invisalign vs. Braces

Choosing the most apt one between Invisalign and traditional braces is quite daunting due to their respective sets of pros and cons. Moreover, each of them varies on the basis of cost, appearance and speed to straighten the teeth.

However, the most significance of them all is the degree of overbite and the dental problems you need immediate correction. Let’s check some key aspects you need to consider to select the right teeth straightening treatment for your dental health.

Treatment length

There is no fixed time period required for aligners and braces. Only an orthodontist can determine the average time frame depending on the complexity of the problem. On an average, Invisalign takes 6-24 months whereas, on another hand, traditional braces take 1-3 years.

Although aligner consumes less time than conventional braces but it is also less efficient to produce significant improvement. That clearly means Invisalign is suitable for mild and moderate overbites while braces are effective to deal with complex issues.


Invisalign is highly pleasing if you consider the aestheticism as it is nearly invisible. This is also the reason behind its huge popularity. In case, you think that braces let you smile less and hide the mouth more then, it is definitely not the right choice.

You can also choose lingual and less-obtrusive ceramic braces which you need to wear on the back of teeth are also aesthetically pleasant. In kids, it is quite appealing to pick up the colour of the braces of your choice.


The Invisalign cost is also a considerable factor as it ranges anywhere from £1900 to £4650. If compared to braces, Invisalign is highly expensive and both of these treatments are partially or fully covered by insurance. However, you must know that the costs also rely on the orthodontist and geographic area you choose.

Lifestyle habits

Invisalign possesses certain daily responsibilities which is why many patients find it completely inconvenient and unsuitable. Unlike braces, you need to remove it at the time of eating and drinking as they are prone to stain.

Somehow, it benefits you oral hygiene as practising your daily oral care regime becomes easy. Moreover, conventional braces have some food restrictions which can easily stick into the wires and brackets like nuts, popcorn and gum.

Invisalign is not ideal for you in case you don’t comply with the treatment. You have to be punctual for putting them in and taking them out and cleaning them. To make sure that it effectively works for your condition, store it as per the direction of the orthodontist. That’s why many patients opt for braces over Invisalign as it eliminates the chance of getting lost.

Right time to consult with your dentist

Overbite is more than aesthetic concern as it results in tooth damage, jaw pain and even sometimes you cut the tongue. Always remember that age has a vital role for the adaptability of the jaw and mouth. Taking an overbite into account on earliest note will shorten the treatment length.

In case, you have overbite and want to adjust the teeth properly, consult with the dentist. It is better if you can arrange an appointment with the orthodontist. Only they can determine the most suitable treatment on the basis of goals, budget and teeth.


Being so popular in the world of dentistry, Invisalign is effective to correct mild and moderate overbites. For more complex cases, you need to opt for traditional braces. In contrast to braces, it will consume less time for correcting moderate and mild overbites. When you put Invisalign into the mouth, it appears near to invisible.

However, some people may need rubber bands for achieving the treatment goals on time. You should put on the aligner as per the dentist’s instructions to obtain the desirable result. In case of both Invisalign and traditional braces, only personalised treatment plan can meet the specific requirements.

You have to consult with an orthodontist by making an appointment for Invisalign for overbite near London. Compliance is essential to make the things fall into place and restore your beautiful smile in short span of time.

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